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Little brother will carry the fish.

This child handles the fresh catch of his older brothers. They've return on the red and black canoe pictured in the background.


Island Research & Educational Initiative (iREi) receives no government assistance and never makes a profit. Our activities are sustained by our own volunteer work and your generous donations.


We work on behalf of islands, their ecosystems, and their peoples. Aware that islands, which are some of the worlds smallest and most endangered places, harbor disproportionally high levels of our planets cultural and bio-diversity, we believe that they must be protected. We do not wish to "freeze" the unique island lifestyles and cultures as they are now, nor do we wish to support island communities in ways that encourage needless dependency. We look for inspiration and solutions to empower island peoples, so that they can resist cultural and economic pressures from the outside, safeguard their lifestyle and environment, and sustainably use their limited resources.

If you agree that our work is worthwhile and would like to make a donation to help sustain our activities, please do. We greatly appreciate your concern and support.

Please contact us to make a donation, or make a donation now via our PayPal.


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